Tourist Adventures in Guadalajara – pt. 1: Jose Clemente Orozco

Tourist Adventures in Guadalajara – pt. 1: Jose Clemente Orozco

I’ve been gone. Things have been happening. One was a trip to Guadalajara. This is Basha’s & my first adventure in Mexico outside of our new “home town”.

Flights are inexpensive and easy. Our time in GDL was split between playing TOURIST with friends and shopping for FURNITURE at the International Furniture Expo. You can guess which was more fun!

We stayed at a lovely little hotel in the historical centro called Hotel Mendoza. Our room looked out over a small pool/courtyard, and gave us a peek-a-boo view of a dome nearby.

Guadalajara is a 400 year old city with great architecture, art, museums, and food. It is the home to three GIGANTIC mural sets by Jose Clemente Orozco.

Orozco: Palacio Gobierno – depicting Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, hero in the Independence of Mexico.

Panorama around dome
Central image of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (note stair railing for scale)

Orozco: Hospicio y Museo de Cabanas

Orozco: Museo de las Artes, University of Guadalajara

The Museo de las Artes also had a WONDERFUL 7 minute video (in Spanish with English subtitles – thank you!) about HOW Orozco calculated the perspectives for the domes and vaults, how he sketched and painted the murals. These artworks alone were worth the trip. And they were not all that we saw!