Trash Tony

Trash Tony

Earlier this week, you met Tony and many other critters that have become part of our lives in Mexico. Tony is exceedingly camera shy, so the introduction photo was notoriously bad.

Today, Tony visited again – LOUDLY. And I had the opportunity to get much closer and take a better (although still not a great) photo.

We shall now call you TRASH Tony

Tony did not make the transition from our tile roof to the pergola as “gracefully” as usual. This time Tony slid off the tiles, lost grip on the gutters and came CRASHING down into the garden waste trash can! Needless to say, Tony was not happy. The trash can is large enough that Tony could not escape. I left Tony in there long enough to get a photo and then slowly tipped the can to let Tony out. HOLY MOLEY can Tony RUN!!! Around the corner of the house in a flash, and out of sight.


Don’t you think Tony would object to being called “creepy?” Especially when he had to be photographed in a trash can. Dignity for Tony!!

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